today [23/6/2007]
Saturday, 23 June 2007
sigh~~~ok today at 1st aft 12.00 i left hse to go piano class...damn sianz lorh...actually dun wanna go dhe..cox i tot today got sight reading..but dhen go there oni dhen we start on scales...dhen we go on to explaining da new song dat we r gonna learn...dhen we play da song [Over the Rainbow]hahax..ani ways...dhen l8ter on we did a Sonatina 36 no.1...dats a nice song..need to play fast fast dhe..hahax..challenging..ani ways aft dat we fin da class oni 1 hr marhx...dhen go shopping while w8ting for mummy n osso nth to buy at United square nth interesting happening...
tonight haf to go to some prayer one of my relative's hse in AMK...gues nth to say now lorhs..hahax..see if tmr got time dhen post again lorhx..
luvv yas!!