22nd sept 08'
Monday, 22 September 2008
heyy guys!! :D
today??? u could say it turned out well or AWESOME!!! :P
hahaz.. well.. today there was no problems at all!! :D physics seemed to pass by realy quick...
and im in progress in understanding ELECTRICITY... so b4 EL, passed hakim and jovial and him was making some joke.. real wierd but alrite.. i said hi and he said Hi too :D [ok INSANE GURL HERE!! teehee:P] ok so during EL, we had to write aa compo entitled : FLIGHT.. it was kinda difficult to write.. but i managed to write about 200 +++ near 300 :D YAY!!
so aft sch... went to the LIB with jovial.. met sk8Ter boY [HIM will now be known as sk8Ter boY aites??] so aniways.. back to the story.. he was walking with his friend.. and well.. yea. we said hi.. supprisingly...he was going to the Lib osso :D:D jovial and had lunch at AMK LIB...then met my BRO there..he was with Jian jie, cedick [or hwevr u spell his name] and shun qiang.. who wants jovial and i to call him chester???!! ok wierd but dun ask why.. hahaz..so shared my lunch with my BRO coz well he didnt have lunch.. so aniways.. done with lunch and sk8Ter boY kept comming to me and jovial, to talk to me but jovial kept kaciaoing him.. hahaz.. so aniways... besides talking to sk8Ter boY...saw SU WEN!!!! my ex schmate!! omg!!! i was damn shocked when i saw her.. she tapped my shoulder and i couldnt help but to hugg her!!! i havent seen her in like FOREVER!!!! so we cought up on lots of stuff...real FUNN.. and i saw asraf who at some point asked jovial and me to help him and his friends take care of their bag....for awhile.. so jovial and i did.. and when they came back, we told him he owed us $2 and $3 hahahaz.. [ RMB AR?? ASRAF] lolx.. so just b4 we went home, jovial wanted to buy smth coz she was well.. hungry.. :P
dhen we saw Haris walk pass.. and then Shamu and Farhan..nvr puasa huh??? hahaz... they gave SUPER LAME excuses!! :X
all and all.. today was reali awesome! even though exams are SUPER NEAR!!!
MTL starts nxt week.. DAMN!!! :( GD LUCK PPL!!!
im so sure im never gonna pass... and reli wanna go to 311 or express..
k guys.. i gtg..
ps: decided not to make u guys blind by putting too many colours on my colourful posts!! teehee!! :D
Signing off!!
eunice .
SPIDER- eunice :D