Wed, 26th Nov 08
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
ok hey guys! i just came back frm choir and guess what?!!! ITS...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS JESSY!!!!! we sang her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY song aft choir ended.. Mr lim tried to call her but didnt get through .. HAHA.. BUT when meishan called, she picked up... LOL right?? anyways.. choir was always.. we have ALOT of work to do.. we have recreation day this friday.. got alot of things to prepare.. bringing food,drinks and such.. planning games and stuff.. basically Bonding...
so ok.. i have to practise for piano this Saturday...:S nervous maybe? plus, My dad's old friends are comming over on saturday.. he says i have to entertain the "KIDS" they are about my age.. i guess.. hmm... im woried about having nth to talk about with them... damn.. if we have the same intrests.. I WOULDNT MIND!!! but if they were to be TOTALLY DIFF FRM ME.... i dunnoe.. maybe there wouldnt be much to talk about.. plus everything will be totally awkward... like WTH??!!! im really not looking forward to Saturday.... i MISS MY BESTFRIENDS LIKE DAMN LOADS!!! not kidding..
well..the glashryl and murphy thing is ok now.. I GUESS.. hmm but i havent got my happy ending yet.. what i've found out through my life, the coinsidence...when im unhappy, all my friends are happy, when im happy, all my friends are unhappy.. sigh~~ like WHAT ON EARTH DID I DO WRONG?????
no point in complaining about this Crap anyways...what goes on is Crap...damn for this Crap ...
ok i shall stop with the crap now.. im really in no mood... needing my CRAZY BFFs to cheer me up.. i know eleanor will have no problem in doing that.. but glashryl, i think shes gona need cheering up too.. at least i have the feeling, last night, i talked to teddy bear.. he is a real great friend.. i tell him stuff about his cousin.. SHALL NOT TELL YOU WHO..:P
and glashryl talked to Lammy, her Sheep... its a cute name :D RIGHT???
k guys, off to dinner
eunice .
i guess you dont ever
wanna talk to me again huh?