Saturday, 20 December 2008
1st of all!! sorry ppl!! i didnt blogg.. had no mood..
still thinking of a good excuse for not blogging.. but arghh!! cant think of any.. :D
CHRISTMAS IS COMMING!!! 5 days more!!!! (: lets do a count down aites? and 6 more days to my party!!! ahhh!! cant wait!! (: and im turning 7 next month:DHOORAY!
soo.. 1st things 1st.
18th Dec 08
sat at home and suddenly got addicted to life of ryan!
its awesome! watched till ep 7.
ahh!! had a BLAST!! Finally met afiq.. haha
and wore super lady-like stuffs.. lol
few friends couldnt recognise.
during the 20 min break, went to find my 2 good friends!
gave them their gifts.. but only found jovial.. turned out that
stephanie came up.. but i went down! gahh!! missed her!! :D
so anyways.. i really liked the last song: Final count down..
aft the concert, went to find stephanie.. FINALLY found her! and then
gave her the HAND MADE gifts. (: HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! (:
so yeap.. saw gopi.. man! the way he dressed that day made him look as if he
was going to the coffee shop.. haha.. Krishna got a new hair cut and OBVIOUSLY
doesnt want anyone to see.. thats why he wore the bandana and cap.. LOL
LUKMAN!!! HAVE TO GO CUT YOUR HAIR LAAA!! and condition. tsk3 LOL:d
i smsed fiq,ziq,mhd daniel[suprisingly],daniel ben and last but not least, lukman.
19th Dec 08'
AITES! on 19! 1st it was AFIQ's Birthday!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
i texted him. he replied.. BLAH BLAH BLAH! (:
then jovial texted me asking if i wanted to watch twilight. asked mummy
she said ok. but come back b4 5.15.
so ok. i quickly changed and then me and my mum headed to northpoint
while waiting for jovial, shopped for presents with my mum.
ate at LJS with jovial and mum. went to catch TWILIGHT at 1.30
was awesome! but dissappointed. really expected more.. grr..
i cried.. it was really sweet.. Robert Pattinson looks REAL awesome!
although i think reading the book gives me the imagination better than the movie.
i think jovial and i should go direct the movie.. right jovial?? lol.and stephanie.
so she can keep everything in order.. she is a verry strict disapline mistress.. HAHA!
so anyways. movie ended at 4 plus reached home at 5.10
hehe 5 mins early :D so yea. got ready for the next concert at VCH.
this time CHOIR!!! its SUPER NICEEE!!!! its all the youth choir combined. sounds super awesome and makes my sch choir sound like S***. sorry to my sch.. but hey! to sound like them?? at this point. it would take a miracle! ): but nvm.. they will soon understand.
oh! and i saw Mr Qiu my choir teacher there!! (: haha.. and his god mum.. LOL!!
hillarious though.. :D he came to support his God sister who is performing.
YAY!:D aft the concert, bought magnum ice cream[almond for me], [white for my dad] and corneto for my mum. ate it along the way home.. awesome.talked abit with glash then aziq. then watched life of ryan till ep 14. :D
OK ! morning woke up.. came straight to the comp and watch ep 15 of life of ryan!
its awesome! and i totally understand why my Bestie glash would watch it. :D
so anyways.
wash up, down for breakfast. then up for piano revision. then change,bathe and
off to piano! (: piano was alright. then came back home. and now. here..
but i gtg now.. wrap presents!! (: 5 days till christmas ppl!!
eunice .
havent talked to you in awhile.
i hope you're doing great.
talk soon, okay?