Freaky FRIDAY!
Friday, 6 February 2009
Freaky Friday ppl!
today, i totally didnt have to study in sch. y'know why?
today we had enrichment class. which was SUPER fun!!
we got through the 1st scene. like FINALLY!
wrote the script and finalise the story board.
then everything was ok. didnt go to phsyics today.
coz i was called to the general Office.
like everyone was asking what i did wrong!
im guai ok! lol.
so yea. i was called there coz on monday,
im gona be interviewed by the MOE ppl.
so mr poogan was like. going on and on and on about the
SPECIAL programe and stuff. it took the whole Phy period!
YAYY!! lol.
so yea. i collected my choir Tee today.
it looks like the girl guide's tee.
its baby blue. lol.
but its a cute Tee.. haha.
im talking to Dinesh now.. Cheer up k? :)
it'll all work out somehow. (:
so yea. today i have tution. DAMN! and i need to finn my piano hw. like
buhh-BYEE! (:
Coz you're the only one i want.