Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Hello all!
today was stressing as any day in sch.
Duh! its school! to make matters worse. had emaths class test
SHld be ok.. but i wouldnt be too happy bout it. :/
niways. aft sch had choir.
[wow never thought that i'd say that]
laughed till my eyes teared.
was awesome .
totally relieved my stress there.!
Thankfully Mr Qiu was happy and cheerful! :D
Hope it'll continue to be like that.
Mummy's birthday is comming up! (:
Texted the usual ppl.
Twilight buddy, Sammie aKa Bby Bro
Talked on msn too!
Dont feel like goin to sch tmr. -.-
I love Marshmellows!!
Buhh-byee .
Supprise supprise . : /
Now i know .