Thursday.w/ pics.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Hello ppl! Pictures of the dayyy ..
Randomly retarded.. LOL :D
SCH was ok today. like any other day. and i gotta say...
Im really enjoying physics. and i think that not only i am facing the same prob.
but others are facing the same prob this year too.
I find it real hard to actually SIT down and Concentrate on study.!
i hvae no mood to study AT ALL!!
when i ACTUALLY get myself to sit down and study, NOTHING GOES into MY HEAD!
grr.. not really liking the Sec 3 life and stuff.. aww man. what if sec 4 is like this?!!
i think ughh.. i'd rather NOT think. so anyways. aft sch, Hung out with Steph& Jo.
went to Pizza Hut to meet stephanie's mum. ate, Chatted, JOKED and LAUGHED like shit!
then went back to LIB., intending to study, BuT!
didnt.. :S you see!!! then ended up makin fun of Eugene. (sorry)
and reading CLEO mags. (ppl were hyper)
and!!! i used my MAGNITO powers to open , close and move the lift!! haha :D
but im NICE!! not evil. :D
i just have that dude's power. and MORE!! :D
TMR is SS exam! wish me luck! :S
Prolly gotta prepare to fail since i didnt really study for it. sigh~
and im missing the besties lots!
Buhh-Byee .
Sec 3 life, is suddenly getting on my nerves!
I still Love X-Men!! :D
I still Love X-Men!! :D