Better day ?
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Hey readers.
Definately better than ytd.
Today started out ok.. had Jam bread for Breakfast. yumm.
Suppose to gather at carpark for morning assem coz the quadrangle is under construction for new sports hall.
then Finally gave jo her present. hope she liked it :S she started using it alr.. (:
happy me.
then had Humans test which i will fail. -.- Amaths was fun.. drew graphs. hehe.
Physics was ok.. i failed physics test by 1 mark.. damn. gotta retake test.
Recess was ok.. hung out in class.. sad thing, we cant enjoy it anymore.. coz we gotta go back to homeroom system next week. now im too used to being in the same class.. sad we gotta go back to homeroom system.
Emaths was productive.. i learnt smth. i showed intrest in class (: understood what teacher was talking about.
Chem class was productive too! (: finally understanding.. hope to continue this way..
aft sch.. wanted to go the Lib. but Yan yan had a meeting.. and no one to accompany me..
coz Huihui was tired and angela wanted to go home.. so walked to bustop with Huihui, angela and nat. then said bye to huihui and 853-ed home with angela and nat.
Lunch at home... Fried beehoon!! (: YUMMMMM I love my mummy la.. :D
Buhh-byee .
-Eunice .
You gotta look on the brighter side of life .