Monday - YouthDay!
Monday, 6 July 2009
Sup ppl!!
Happy Youth Day!! (:
I know you ppl are happy!! and you very well know why..
On the Down side, There is Sch tmr..
Even Down-er Side, PE too.. dang..
OK.. now Today was cool.. was suppose to Film today.. BUT, Change of plans since our 2 "Actors"
couldn't make it..
well, it wasn't that bad either.. Stephanie came over 1st.. then we ate lunch while Jovial was on her Movie date ^^
Stephanie and i had our own movie date.. haha.. Bride Wars.. was FUNNYY!! and who knew it was NC 16... there was Nth NC16 about it..
OMG. and then BIG news!! someone in my estate fell from the window.. definitely made a scene.. Police were all there.. of course being kpoh.. but left shortly.. thank God she gained Consciousness.
so jovial came with our delivery of Subway Cookies!! YUm!! thanks Jo! (:
the cookie which Lucas was suppose to treat. but anywho. bet he doesnt rmb that now..
so aft slacking in my rm, we went down and jovial had lunch then we played WII!! WII-Fit.. SO FUNN!! haha.. we got Obsessed over the Hoo-La Hoop thingg.. haha.. i beat them!! teehee :D
ok but over all it was fun.. we did some YOGA stuff too.. then we came up and started Camwhoring. and I helped Jovial take Pics for her to Edit and Put up on her Blog! (:
[Credits to ME for Pictures ok!! :D]
anyways.. stephanie was right, it has been so long since we 3 last did this tgt.. was fun..
and now im here.. i need to bathe now. then call glashryl.. haha..
Buhh-Byee .
Camwhore-ing can be Fun sometimes.! (: