Saturday .
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Hey all..
its a saturday. one thing, NO BRIDGING!! oh yeaaa :DD
haha anw, went for prayer for priests ytd night.
btw: thanks cousin for your concern (: but im ok. its just that bridging is really irritating. haah
ok so Results are suckish even though i passed.
alota ppl cried. :( DONT CRY PPL!! Faliure is not the end of the world.
good news, everyone in my class is moving up to 411 next year. whoo!!
slacked throughout the 1 hr 15 mins or so. haha coz teacher didnt ask us to bring our Compas.
conf. with glash and murphy ytd. wasnt much of a happy convo.. glash was sad.. :(
CHEER UP GIRL!! :DDD oh and welcome back to your comp! :D haha
eleanor wasnt at the conf too :(((( but if she were there, she doesnt really talk much :((
sadded.. and the worst part is.. she doesnt say those random fun stuff she normally says in our convo. I MISS HERRRRR!!!
yanghyun got me hooked to this korean song by G-Dragon [ HEARTBREAKER]
i find him abit of a poser. the beat sounds abit like Flo'rida's [Right round]
and that heart painted on his eye, is lady GAGA's idea. -.-
but the song is stuck in my head.
Thanks uh yang hyun!
Buhh-byee .
Missed the old you better ):