Lookin forward.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Im insane Excited bout tmr! :D
theres about 9 ppl comming.
hope it'll be a success though.
Made Valentine's day cards :D
oh well. Tmr is gona be a better day.
I hope so :P
I've been lookin forward to it all week!
ps; I've been getting Insane Accurate 'God wants you to know' notes
Like this is mine today :
On this day of your life, Eunice, God wants you to know that, Doubt is the Rust of Life.
Doubt Holds your Landlocked in paralysis unable to move either way.
The time you spent doubting is the time you're not alive. so, Rid yourself of the doubt, Take that step one way or another, Youre heart knows whats' best, But take it right now.