The New Story! (:
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
haha anyways back to today.
started writing my story yesterday :D
Yes its a new story.
entitled: Will she ever know?
nice right?
my Bestfriend GLASHRYL helped me with both the title AND the song.
we're gna work more on the song today :D try to get the tune going :D
my bestfriend is such an awesome song writer :D
shall ask her to compose one for my wedding next time. hehe :P
anyways today is not gna be hectic actually. just goin with the flow.
Oh and to Aziq:
Just chill ok (:
Everythings' gna be alright.
Just dont get too anxious and make the same mistake as before (:
If you ever need us, GLash, murphy and I will be here for ya (: