21 jul 07
Saturday, 21 July 2007
heyys..its been awhile since i last posted..hahax..today i very happy..no piano class!! yess!!!2day need tuhh go shopping fer bday preasents..hahax..n other stuff..
i knew dat asraf wont call me last nite..n i noe y..bz playing dota..hahas..so ani ways..bdae advanced wishes to my baobeii meiis: JOVIAL N TIFFANY!!!
so haf u eva thought abt kissing ur best fren or ur fren or sumthin??sum1 did ask me dat question once..bt i nvr thought of it till now...so is there ani rule abt not kissing ur best fren?? is it illegal or sumthin??does it make ur relationship wif this person grow?? i haf no idea..so if u guys haf da ans,,tell me pls??