Sunday, 18 November 2007
DAMN!!!!! its been soooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn long since i last posted...its dead....according to erica..heeheez... loads to tell.....its been so gr8...stories r sad..some happy..but sad storries...nah...dun wanna tell da whole world..heeheex..sorri...
ANIWAYS...lifes good so results were gr8...but sadly kennot go express..):
overall,i got TOP IN CLASS N 2ND IN STANDERD!!!!!!!!
good rite????? guess all the hard work reli paid off!!! hahaz...
now, its the sch hols....reli miss my frens...n some1 else...but nvr mind bout dat...
we'r still keeping contact n goin out often...but mai a times, we juz caant find da time to go out....sad huh???we haf cca stuff....oh we find time where evry1 can go...dhen happy lorhs...hahaz...
there r mani broken hearts n such but dun wanna get into dat keep the taggs cummin inn yea??
lots of love,
Eunice_ MUACKZ!!!!!!