bad week...
Thursday, 24 January 2008
this week is so wrong!!!! i haf never had the most horrible week ever!!!!
all of a sudden asraf hates me for dunnoe wad reason n now broken up wif my bf....
i haf more n more ppl hating me each day....why muz this happen to me??
MSG to asraf:
dear asraf,
look im reli reli reli sorri ok...i reli missed us being frens...can we juz talk abt the situation??
ur like taking up more then half of my mind everyday...i juz reli want us to stop fighting n get back to being frens...pls.....i cant 4get u k? even if i intention wasnt to leave u out of my life.....u noe wifout life isnt that 1 has as much tim eto tok to me as u do...
pls ...accept my appology...
MSG to my bf[ex]:
dear D,
im so sorri that i hurt ur feelings...i juz couldnt take this attitude u sorri if i did anithing rong to u during our relationship...but i reli hope we can go back to being sibs again..i hope u can recover frm the heartache... im goin to giv u as much time as u need..coz i haf been through that b4.... pls understand this..i reli dun wanna make this mistake evr again....i mean u keep calling me stuff that u called me durung our relationship as SIBS.....n its kinda im reli sorri once again ok?? i juz dun wanna continue coz if i do..ur juz goin to be more hurt....
n if u stop talking to'll feel un-balanced...
lost and alone,