23rd Sept 08'
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
heyy guys!! :D
today was.. an OK day.. lolx.. :P home ec was abit borring.. did the sewing stuff.. still incomplete.. :( oh well... maths today was alrite.. MTL, verri hectic.. still got loads to memorise...*sad face..*
sigh~~ so aniways.. aft sch, saw sk8Ter boY AGAIN!! :D jovial, steph and i went to the Lib.. and saw sk8Ter boY there with his friends and my bro and his frens..:P Daniel, my bro's friend... asked this girl for number.. and SUPPRISINGLY, she gave him her number.. STEADY uh.. daniel.. hahaz.. :P
so sk8Ter boY.. hmm.. he came over to talk like ytd.. [stephanie told me i blushed] and i guess i was.... so stephanie was there disturbing me... [hahaz... yes i DID blush ok]
so then.. had fun hanging out with Jovial, stephanie,Jill and ying xian :D real funn ppl!! :D
well..say TREY!!! hahaz.. jovial thinks he's cute!! ok tell u the truth he is uh.. lolz.. jovial and i were TOTALLY insane.. for some reason, we said hi to him and he doesnt even noe us.. hahaz.. he gave us that "ok-who-the-hell-are-you" look.. hahaz..i added him in frenster and he still doesnt noe me.. hahaz.. sadd :(
aniways.. at the end of the day, he knew my name and said"HI eunice" hahaz... i asked him how he knew my name.. and he said that sk8Ter boY called my just now.. and sk8Ter boY was like "no i didnt" and JOVIAL insulted me and sk8Ter boY coz i was standing nxt to him.. hahaz.. MEAN!! lolx [joking.. :D] so then went to mac coz jovial wanted to eat ic-cream.. she bought chocolate sundae!! :P and the 3 of us were crazy thoughout.. hahaz.. reached home at about 5 smth??? not too sure.. now blogging and listening to the song"one step at a time - jordin sparks"
sigh.. nothing to do now.. hmm.. maybe i shall add Trey on msn.. teehee!!
ok guys.. this is the shorten form of my story.. hahaz.. dun reli feel like blogging...hahaz..
TUTION LATER!!! :(:(:(
ps: gentle reminder to those in choir:
1 - $3
2 - $5
Signing OFF!!
eunice .
SPIDER- eunice! :D