Im Leaving .
Monday, 29 December 2008
Hey guys, This is my final Post for the Year 2008.
coz when i gt back, it'll be 2009.
si I'd Like to wish u guys an EARLY 2009 b4for i go.
and im gona mis ALL my Besties and close friends.
Cya soon all!! (: i WILL take loads of pics. LOL.
then post it here and myspace. probably friendster too:D
But theres like smth wrong with friendster. so i'll just try. :D
anyways. Sera, u HAVE to update me on what happens ok?? when u get there on 31 :D
Leaving to Batam BTW :D and Glash, When i get home, i'll call u ok? or text u or smth. and u HAve to update me on EVERYTHING!!! :D
eunice .
im gona miss you guys.