Wednesday, 11 February 2009
HEYY!!! (:
today was supprisingly insane. LOL.
its wet today. WET WED! (:
so yea like my windows are open,.. ahhh~ cool air..
ok back to the post. :D
Like what the hell is wed ppl?!?! Class test day uh?
1- Humans class test
2- MTL class test
3- Phy class test[postponed]
so yea. i started today with the usual boring Assem.
then on the way to Humans class. [Jo had to take the lift. sad girl]
then yea. we started with the class test thingg..
i didnt know how to conclude my essay so WTHECk.
then its Phy lesson. heard there was gna be a class test.
but it got postponed (:
gpt back my Common test. i failed by 1 mark.
recess wasnt interesting. kinda boring really.
then EMATHS!! learnt smth new today.
awesome.. LOL. then MTL!!
Class test!! grr.. studied like HECk!!
then classtest time..
[which im sure i have 4gotten almost 1/2 of what i learnt]
then EL lesson sucked!
Mr Divya like wad sia. i didnt even talk so much
go Deduct my CA marks.. KP la. 8 to 6 la! DUMB!
my dad says.
academic results shldnt be affected by our social stuff
or whatever he said uh. lol.
i didnt really rmb the exact words.
oh Chem? i supprisingly passed my common test. LOL!
Aft sch. Bby Bro and Dan T had CLB.
so steph, jo and i went to the lib 1st.
jo and i went to eat lunch while steph does her HW.
aaron and eugene came too.. like later on.
then Lukman then BBY bro and Dan T
lastly, Dan B came too.. Like LOL. nvr socialise. :D
Gna watch a movie with my friends on SAT!!
though its gna be a sad Vday.
gna hang out with my single friends.
sadd glashryl cant join.
so yea. dad fetched jo and ramsay home.
then came home to eat DINer
and now here.
im bored .
SHITT!! Plus 1 test Tmr !! gota start Mugging. :D
Buhhh- Byeeee!! (:
You saw right through me.
its like i was invisible .