Monday, 9 March 2009
Hey guys.
monday today! (:
Had fun. went to sch.. Talked to stephh and jo.
the usual. Assem Talk. PE - Irritating but fun
EM - err.. SO SO
Recess .
EL - BORRRINGGG but a pinch of fun.
MTL - Cool.
Sk8TerBoY called me Shortie. :@
SO WHAT????? like you so tall like that.. LOL
haha.. ok anyways.
TC was BZ! thanks Jo , steph and Em for helping with the bottles.
aft sch. went to LJS with jo and em for lunch. then went grocery shopping.
for Muffin stuff.
went over to Em's hse. SO AWESOM1!! although her hamster DID creep me out..
hehe :D
so nyways.. made muffins which tastes not bad.. (:
Interacted with her Bros. Emo-ed with JO! and ended with the Pic taking session! (:
Only wish steph could be there.. make it more funn!
New CRUSH!! (:
I thinks :S