What Goes Down, Must Come Up (:
Friday, 7 August 2009
Hey guys! (:
Even though this week sucked eggs! Im Happy to say that....
today went AWESOME!!! (:
The speech was awesome (: even though the thought of me screwing up lingered in my head.
hehe.. But... Everything went well.. Tie felt weird though. :S
Jo was so emo ): [CHEER UP GIRL! (:]
aft sch, waited for stephanie coz she was paying sch fees. then Kevin and Alton came. then we all hang out at steph's hse for awhile.
then we went to makan and then walked to bustop.
steph and i said bye to kevin and alton and then talk talk talk .
otw to hub glashryl called and we talked (: hehe. she is also confused.
That makes 2 bestfriends alr. sigh~
what to do? Be the best bestfriend i am and give a listening ear.
Im here for you guys! (:
well, life is starting to take another Turn soon.. nothing i shld be happy about..
MRT-ed to yishun.. but missed the stop coz i was too into my music -.-
so stoped at Sambawang and MRT-ed back to yishun. pathetic right?
then Emo-ed on 804 and emo/walked all the way home .
No idea why. but i felt sadd.. hmmm
How is it that i can be happy
even when i know that i dont mean anything
to you in your life ?