Got reminded
Friday, 13 November 2009
Bridging was as usual.
like 18 ppl didnt turn up for sch today. and so..
Maths was quiet.
Humans was disturbing??
anws, aft sch went back with em, naz, mingyan, angela and wenrong.
went to yishun and met up with a real close friend.
hung out and talked about friendship stuff..
problems. life.. and catching up..
bumped into jovial and Ahem... lols
talked for abit then left.
Lonely ride home on the bus .reminders and such.
p/s: thanks glash, Em, Ronn and Kevin
for bein there and cheering me up(:
You guys are awesome. (:
until next time ppl.
and so the war goes on .:(
Labels: couldnt be bothered to count the number of days.