Monday bluesss
Monday, 19 July 2010
its like the start of a new week
and im very tired. why?
coz of the MUCH fun video calls
i've had these past few days :P
its seriously awesome. talking to
Loveey, Godfather and Bryanfriend.
then Clawww :DDDDD
hehe talk more k
anyways. my mum keeps telling me my eyes
are becomming blacker. hehe i have to agree. damn i need sleep
Anthony is like asking me to learn damn lots of songs
apparantly my keyboard cant be moved to the front of my comp.
mass convo-ing with bry and anthony noww
sherylynn is sleeping. ahh i need some. prolly can use the webbie since my sis took it :/
ok the rest of the things i'll prolly not post it here
its hard to not make you think otherwise.