Racial harmonyyy :DDD
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Racial Harmony day!!
started today stressed although i had like extra 1 hr to sleep
got to come in to school at 8.15.
AWESOME right?? haha yeahh its awesome..
but tasks were given last min, thus, handing in last min work.
sigh.. niways. THANKS daddy for getting up early to help me print and fetch
Jovial, Emily,Sera, Eldon and me to school :D
today honestly, was fast :D awesomee.
went lunch out with the usual.
bought some BBT and 851-ed home with Jovial (:
yup.. thats pretty much it for today..
many laughs though.hehe seriously.
honestly...i have enough drama goin on.
please, if youre gona come back into my life just to cause more,
i suggest you turn around and walk away. [c]