problem solved n another starts again...
Friday, 25 January 2008
ok im reli reli reli glad that he accepted my appology... thank god for ansring my prayers!!! hope
we dun get into this again!!!
but then...after a problem goes down, another now D is lke daoing me...dhen now he's like blamming me for everything..but i dun blame in a wrong......insulting n blabbing vulgarities at me is one thingg...but insulting my fren?!?!?! WTH...she nvr do anithing rong lorhs... c'mon...u did somthing rong n u blame sum1 else..this proves my point [ u think ur always correct n that ur not ina wrong] u get it now??
yes i haf felt this pain b4...n i dun plann on goin back....but the lost thing?? ur taking it too far...i dun blame u for insulting me n such...juz say wad evr u want n get it over n done wif..but wad the hell?? insulting my frens?? that is seriously too far....
so b4 u start blaming me for telling my frens not to talk to not farcing dhem...u think wad??? i that immature issit?? pls lorhs... its their b4 u start blamming others...look at urself 1st....