10th MAY 08!!
Saturday, 10 May 2008
todays the 10th of may... a saturday.... hahaz.. piano today!! im so glad we didnt do ani practical stuff... we onli did theory.. and good news... NXT WEEK NO PIANO!!! WOOHOO!! lolx... aniways.. aft piano today, i went out wif, stephanie,jovial,wootha and shamu [my daddy].. we went to study and eat lunch at mac... dhen we went to jalan2 at AMK.. was quite borring... wootha left 1st... dhen 20 mins l8r , steph left.. dhen there was 3.. jo,me and shamu[my daddy]..
well... the 3 of us emo-ed for abt half hr?? dhen decided to go to AMK hub... we ate abit of snacks dhen jalan2 summore...dhen it was abt 5 plus alr.. and we were reli tired... so we went home.. we said our good-byes and left...
i met my dad at the carpark behind gaurdian...while w8in for my mum and dad in the car, i saw AZIQ!!! hahaz.. but sad larhs... he didnt see me... lolx... he was wif his frens aniways..
man!!! i miss HAKIM soo much... i didnt talk to him today... :( so sad.. aniways... i viewed his profile again.. like i do everytime i get on .. :P he edited his profile... he was so sweet... i reli want us to last reli long.... i love him soo much... he is so sweet and funny.... im the luckiest gurl in the world... he takes away all my stress.. when evr im wif him, i totaly 4get abt everything else!! he is the onli thing goin on in my mind...my heart belongs to him... im so glad i got to know him.. and i thank god for giving me this chance to meet a guy like him... he is the best... THANK YOU GOD!!
tmr is mothers day!!! i made cards for my mum and all the other mums i noe.. :) party at my hse!! kwl!! lolx... :D dhen the next day?? LITERATURE PAPER!!!! *GASP* well.. i hope i do well.. my dad says i haf to improve or stay the same.. if not... *gulp*... im dead... :(
well i better get goin.. takkairs ppl!! LOVE YA ALL!!