13 april 08
Sunday, 13 April 2008
HAHAZ.. i love today!!! i talked to him juz now.... im so happy.. he totally made my day.. I LOVE HIM SOO MUCH!! he is so romantic and funny and cute.. hahaz.. n his phone got money alr..so we can talk n sms again.. but hope dat we dun use up all within 1 week. hahaz.. if not i'll miss him too much.. hahaz.. we talked for abt 1 hr....but he said he was tierd so i let him rest... tmr got sch.. n im goin out wif him tmr.. i cant wait...
OMGG!!! i kennot stop saying that!! I LOVE HIM , I LOVE HIM!!! hahaz.. sorri im abit insane..
we talked abt loads of stuff... abt our past relationships.. how we started talking.. when we started liking each other... n other stuff like dat... he was so sweet!!! [as usual]
well i talked to glashryl today too!! n guess wad... when we saw NC today.. we felt absolutly nothing!! kwl rite?? maybe its coz i love him too much :P n maybe coz glash still like AHEM AHEM aka SH..if ur angry at me now glashryl.. im so sorrii... pls forgiv me...
aniways.. i gtg help steph wif her EL hw.. i pity that poor gurl... she is so stressed ovr her hw.. n band...band is super crazy dun u think?? concert is over n they still ask them to do band hw...??!?!?! wad is that??? aniways... i gotta start writing or stephanie is goin to blow her top tmr.. hahaz..
love ya guys!!