12th MAY 08!!!
Monday, 12 May 2008
PPL!!! ITS THE 12TH OF MAY 2008!!!! today was LIT paper... man!! i think im goin to FLUNK this subject!! but i reli hope i dun.. hhaz... so aniways.. paper wasnt so hard... still OK.. there was one question where we were suppose to write an essay on the story father and son... i wrote a page and abit at the end... :P i didnt noe i could write that long coz i didnt reli read that story thoroughly... heeheez :P
aft exams Jo,steph and me went to slack... at the void deck.... we were juz chillin' .. dhen we went to steph's hse so she can take money.. then we met shamu at mac...when we were there, we saw gopi, glenden, brandon etc frm express calss or wadevr.. dhen we ate lunch and played on the swing... then we were playing " who stole the cookie frm the cookie jar" dhen we go kaciao gopi and shamu.. they were so funny!!! lolx!!! then HAKIm called me... but he asked for shamu.. thats so sad... :( but at least he called later on and we talked abt SOME STUFF!!!! [confidential] :P
and now..... im talking to GLASHRYL!!!!! she keeps saying PS THIS PS THAT... hahaz.. and now she is like disturbing me abt hakim!!! hahaz... she cant stop1!! arghh!!!!! :P
GLASHRYL I LOVE YOU!!!! PS: ur insane,PS....PS.....PS......PS....ps.....PSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! :P