19th MAY 08'
Monday, 19 May 2008
its 19th may 2008!!
we haf alr been a couple for about 1 month and 2 wks.... i reli hope we last long!! i love him soo much... well... we havent talked for 3 days not including today... coz i hope he comes online or call me.. i miss so much,, i havent heard his voice in 3 days...sigh~~ i miss talking to him..i mis his comforting arms, i miss his smile, i miss HIM..... sigh~~ oh well i guess maybe he is too busy .. i cant always think abt myself rite?? i mean maybe he had guests comming over or maybe he had to do some studying?? well wadevr it is i will still love him... i juz dun wann us to be appart...
( darling, i love you.. and i hope you love me too )
i reli wanna start crying here... i haf never not talk to him for so long b4.. well its not juz that... im still worried abt his smoking thingg..he got into soo much trouble wif his parents.. i reli hope he is ok...and i noe he will start saying why do i have to cry, crying wont solve anithing.. its true.. but sometimes u cant reli help rite?? i mean u cant dun cry for the rest of ur life rite?? so aniways.. i gotta go eat breakfast and try to stop thinking negative...sigh~~ i'll blogg l8r guys.. if i have the mood... :(