21st JUNE 08!!
Saturday, 21 June 2008
OMG!! 21ST JUNE!!! today is the hannah montana 3d concert!!! which i am so catching later on..
well.. i'll be watching the 2 eps of hannah montana too!! to see if the jonas brothers are inside..!1
like OMG!!! im gonna go insane later!! oh..and i might start hypervantalating.... omg...
ok so aniways.. ytd was ok.. had choir in the aftnoon.. then had to stay till about 5??reali boring..
and extreamly COLD!!( yes the aircon was on...to dunne wad temp..) so aniways..went to meet up with jo and steph at the void deck.. :D started hangin' out.. then i showed jovial the new mag i bought which she got overly excited over.. hahaz.. she was like: OMG JOE IS SO HOT MAN!!
hahaz.. well she is those type of fun ppl.. esp with CUTE OT HOT GUYS .. but still hahaz.. i love her !! and steph? well all i can say is.. OMG!! wear so sexy huh?? hahaz.. turned out they went to catch a movie at cathay.. i think it was kungfu panda.. hahaz.. its a reali cute show.. :D
so then my dad fetch them to AMK HUB to meet steph's aunt.. then drove me home juz in time to catch THE LIFE OF RYAN SHECKLER!!!! *drools* hahaz.. ok enough of that.. :D
gotta say.. was quite sad when i saw what ryan faced.. his dad's girl friend doesnt think at all!!
man she is so dead! :X
well.. last nites convo went frm like 11 smth to about 1 or 2 in the morning!! man sch is re-oppeing and im reli gonna miss all my late night convos..
so awsome!! convo with murphy and my BFF! GLASHRYL!!!
they're awsome.. we talked about our pass relationships and problems.. ooo!! and we made a story too!! :D was realy cool! but i still loved the 1 glashryl and i made up.. the PROM NIGHT story.. hahaz..!! omg was real awsome!! hahaz..
well we were tired and decided to talk again some other time.. :D
today woke up at 9.00 and realized its been 1 month since hakim and i broke up... yea... i still rmb those days.. :( reali missed them.. but now he is with aishah... i dun get him.. he says being single is the BEST.. but he ends up patching back with aishah.. i was reali shocked and maybe quite pissed when i saw that... :( oh well wads done is done...
well other news its..LK doesnt have feelings for me.. and i dunnoe if im happy or sad..
asraf said i still like LK .. but i dun feel anithing... but sometimes i do think about him..ok going EMOTIONAL HERE.. ( calm down eunice.. everythings gonna be fine..) ok i so gotta stop talking to myself!! ARGHH!!! itss so confusing!!! my gosh!! another problem and my head could burst!! and sch is re-oppening!! damn!!! gotta sleep at 10 and wake up at 5 .30.... *sulks*
oh well.. that is sch aniways.. *sigh~~*
thats all i gues.. i'll post again some other time.. if i haf the time that is.. :D
hope u guys enjoy my COLOURFUL POST!! HAHAZ..
takkairs u guys!
love ya!
signing off,
SmiLeZ! :D NO frowns!!!