5th MAY 08
Thursday, 5 June 2008
today!!! 5th MAY 08!!! i went out wif my family today... to sentosa and vivo.. hahaaz..
well we woke up at 7.15 or so?? hahaz.. ate a HUDGE BREAKFAST!! dats good coz u shld start the day wif a good breakfast... :D well... 1st destination is UNDERWATER WORLD... in sentosa..
the fishes there were soo kwl!! so unique.. esp the stingrays... they were amazing...saw jelly fishes and SHARKS!!! but i didnt see the octopus.... :( i wanted to see that... the underwaterworld changed since the last time i went.... its more boring.. and there are less species to see than the last time..there were like also bigger sharks then than now.... :( damn!!
but i did went to see the pink dolphins.. which i rmb when i was like p2 , i touched it.. i got a pic taken.. but im not sure where i've placed it.. :D oh well!!
had lunch at this place named JOEL'S GRILL.. hahaz.. JOEL is my cousin's name.. hahaz..
well.. aft a delicious meal, we went to eat ice-cream.. YUMM!!! then we went to siloso BEACH... where we spent almost 2 or 3 hrs there.. till abt 4 plus actually... dhen we went to VIVO for dinner!! and did alittle shopping :D i bought the shoes that i wanted!! yay!! :D
then aft a WHOLE Day out wif my family, we came back home... :D
now im talking to murphy on the phone... who doesnt seem to be talking at the moment.. and current song listening to is: WE GOT THE PARTY WITH US - hannah montana && JONAS BROTHERS!!.. nice song actually..:D
hahaz.. murphy is singing.. whahaha... sorri... so aniways.. thats today!! tmr im goin out wif my family too!! kwl!!! i so cant wait!!! :D
SMILES every1!!!! NO FROWNS!!!!! NO TEARS!!!