11th May 08
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
hey guys... i had a reli WIIERD dream last nite... i didnt even noe wad it means... *hmmm*
then i was woken up by stephanie's call... i kinda knew it was her coz who else would call in the morning unexpectedly?? hahaz.. she asked if i was free today and i was.. so she ask me if we could go to J8 or smth... but dhen we went to somerset :D to see shamu...
dhen go caciao himm.. hahaz.. ask my mum.... and she said ok..
so we met at AMK... jovial asked us to go 1st and she'll meet us there.. so we left...we missed the orchard station and steph pretty much said it was my fault.. *i dunnoe..* hahaz.. so then.. we stopped at sommerset instead..then took the opp. train to orchard which was like 2 min ride.. hahaz.. but it was fun.. so we dropped at Orchard Station... we walked like 1 BIGG round larhs..dhen steph said she'd call her dad.. to ask for directions to ceneleisure Orchard..aft that.. we found out that we haf to drop at sommerset..
Then we walked frm sommerset interchange to CENELEISURE ORCHARD.. we makan at LJS[Long John Silvers] then met jovial there too.. hahaz.. went to CACIAO shamu[my daddy] :D
then aft that.. we went to the arcade to play.. i won both rounds of car racing with both jo and stephanie.. hahahaz..dhen we decided to play para para.. hahaz.. was hillarious!!! stephanie was the FUNNIEST ONE OK!! she followed the animated character on the screen for the steps.. she looked super FUNNY!! Jo and i couldnt stop laughing!!
we played till it was abt 4.. then waited for SHAMU.. then we left .. shamu said he wanted to go to skate park i said ok lets go.. coz heard frm glashryl that shawn goes there.. hahaz.. so i went to see if i could spot shawn.. hahaha!! so then we asked shamu why he wanted to go there..he said he wanted to see his senior.. .. hahaz.. but we had to let him go half way coz we wanted to go...
YUPP!! u guessed it!!.... SHOPPINGG!!!!hahaz..so we walked frm SOMMERSET.. all the way to PLAZA SING....coz jovial wanted to find a tuner.. so we went to some shop in plaza but they said they didnt have the tuner jo wanted.. but suggested that we go to the opp shop instead..
so we did... they sold guitars there.. and ELECT. KEYBOARDS and drums.. basically alot of jamming stuff larhs.. lolx..
then all 3 of us had itchy fingers.. :D go play arnd with the drums , guitars and elect keyboards :D.. jo and steph asked me to teach them how to play the song 'i wanted you'
hahaz.. dhen i started practicing my baroque scales.. hahahz..stephanies was like.. "wahlau ur fingers damn flexible sia!! " and of coz jovial was supprised too :D yay!! that means my practicing worked!! hahaz..so aft we finnished playing arnd with the instruments, we went to buy a drink as we made our way to Dobby Ghaut station.. so we were there in time for the next train. hahax,, lucky us!! ok so then we were like playing in the train and taking picx.. REALY RANDOM PICX OK!! hahax.. then we laughed and i think ppl thought we were crazy.. hahaz..
so aft the picz, our earphones were out and then we were listening to music.. hahaz..
aww man!! this day was long!! hahaz.. and this is a verri long blogg post!! hahaz..
so aniways... i had a gr8 day wif my BESTIES,, JOVIAL AND STEPHANIE!!
u guys ROCK ok!!hahaz..
but of coz i dun wanna leave out my other BESTIES,... ELE, GLASHRYL...WE SO GOTTA PICK A DATE YEA?? I RELI WANNA GO OUT WIF U GUYS!!must plann ok???
aniways..gotta go now.. :D dun haf anth to post abt!!
love ya guys!!
SmiLeZ, No FrOwns!!! :D