14th July 08
Monday, 14 July 2008
hey guys!! today kennot be ani worse!! 1st, in the morning, jovial lost her purse.. then steph has some issues that arnt meant to be told... so aniways.. it was pretty much a boring normal even week monday blues again.. aft sch steph and i helped jovial to look for her purse... then we went to steph's hse but while waiting for bus 76, we bumped into HAKIMsadd.. he totally ignored me... :( then i realised that i still missed him.... so aniways.., aft steph's hse, we went out for lunch.. at KFC.. bumped into DINESH and his GF natasha :D they're like soo sweet larh!! [ aww.. ] reli hope they last long :D so aniways.. aft lunch, jovial had to go home.. steph and i hung out at hub for awhile until i had to go to sch for rehersal..
got back to sch at about 4.45?? then talked to afew ppl.. wanted to talk to SOME1.. but that SOME1 said that i was in a wrong.. LONG STORY!!! but he is easily angered.. which i find reli irritating.. i haf no idea why.. its such a small matter.. which i didnt even do.. and he is angry at me.... so unreasonable.. [ you think you're rite all the time?? , well your not.. ]
so aniways.. besides that.. i had rehersal for the prize giving ceromony thinggy last wk.. hakim's name wasnt inside.. but today aft mrs mak was taking attendence she was like " Mhd Al Hakim "
and i was like WTH???? so amalina went to call hakim frm his duty... so that kinda made the day worse.. ... to see sum1 who i noe and miss so much but ignores... *sigh~~*
tryin' to think of a poem ... rite now.. it would be a good time to get ideas... hmm.. maybe i shld start in my bed.. :D a good spot to think of a poem.. :D
so aniways.. glashryl's song totally ROCKED!! i cant wait to hear the chords to the song!!
HERE to TURN those FROWNS upSIDEdown ! :D