5th JULY 08
Saturday, 5 July 2008
heyy guys!! its the 5th of JULY!! this morning, was woken up by a reminder about SUMTHING.. but decided to go back to sleep :D
hahaz.. then i woke up at about 9 plus.. to eat breakfast.. then my mum said that we're all going to CHS for homecomming.. hahaz.. its for ex CHS boys to go back...
so aniways.. while i was at CHS, i saw my EX SCI TEACHER!! MR SUNNY HO!!! i was like.. OMGG!! ITS BEEN SO LONG!! he can still remember me.. aft 2 years!! kwl huh? hahaz.. so then my mum bought me a small tub of ice-cream.. VANILA!! so well when we finally found a table to sit at.. i saw my ex classmate [ ISSABELLE ] 's mom..but then like about 5 mins later i saw issabelle!! i was like OMGG!! ISSABELLE!! and she was like.. "oh.. hi..... OH! HI!! OMG.. HI!!!" hahaz.. she was like.. i havent seen u for soo long!! OMGG HI!! basically we were like OMG HI.. hahaz.. but yea.. its quite a shock!! i havent seen her in 2 years!! gosh she has grown.. PRETTY if i may add.. :D
so aniways.. we sat down and talked about wad happened in sch and stuff.. then almost ran out of things to say!! hahaz.. i guess i was still in a state of shock!! hahaz.. so we talked till issy had to go coz her bro has extra lessons.. :( how sadd.. but aniways.. she is in choir.. so i reli hope i'll see her during nxt yrs SYF!! hahaz.. so kwl..the CHS homecomming.. not onli brought EX CHS boys but also EX SNGS gurls.. hahaz.. :D coz normally if u have a bro in CHS, the sister will be in SNGS.. hahaz.. conected family larh... kwl rite?? hahaz..
so i had piano today.. got HW!!!!! ARGHH!! hahahaz.. i still have CL spelling corrections!! damn..
but nvm.. i can wait for monday though!! hahaz..wanna go shopping!!! oh!speaking of SHOPPING... i went to OP today!!bought a top, skirt, bag..:D coz theres a sale.. hahaz.. so better go buy b4 the prices go up again.. heeheez.. :D
current song listening is BURNIN' UP!! again.. hahaz.. its a nice song.. and I CANT WAIT FOR CAMP ROCK!! HAHAZ.. RANDOM!! hahaz.. ok i gtg now guys..
HERE to TURN those FROWNS upSIDEdown!!! :D