4th AUG 08!!!
Monday, 4 August 2008
4th of AUG 08...
today... reli tiring... :(
but on the upside...zacky talked to me :D
aww.. so cute larh!! lolx.. aniways.. aft sch manage to start a convo with him!! yay!! :D
imagine that?? been smiling at each other and waving for like 1 month plus? and onli got to start a convo this month.. lolx.. seriously speaking.. he is a SUPER GR8 FRIEND!!!
love him !!! :X whoops...lolx!! i mean he is cute, funny, always there, kind, polight, trustworthy, awesome, DOESNT SMOKE!!.. so easy to talk to.. and others... too many to mension.. :D
aniways... had gr8 day.... ok but had the briefing thinggy at 2.45...sigh~~ was ok ... BUT!!!! had lame games at the end.. jovial, haslina and i couldnt take it... so we left.. ok actually we ran off.. :D
i noe wad ur thinking... juz dun think that.. i bet if u were there.. u would feel the same way....
games were SUPER LAME ++ BORING!!!
so im still missing my BFFs now.... havent seen them in 2 weeks!!!!!! and counting... :(
aww man....just had news that hes' emo.. :( no zacky.. dun be emo k?
man.. verri worried now... :(
so aniways... besides.. being worried, i dun feell all that welll either.. i feel a flu comming on again.. like ytd.. sigh~~but ytd was worse.. :(
oh well i'll see if i wanna post tmr.. :(
signing off..
random/insane/sad/worried/almost sick: