28 Sept 08'
Sunday, 28 September 2008
heyy guys.. today is the LAST day of CATACHISM.. arghh!!
gonna miss my CLIQUE!!!! :(
glashryl's new comp is comming in today!! and SHE OWES ME MANY MONTHS OF COMMENTS AND BLOGG TAGGS AND CONVOS ON MSN!!! hahaz.. aniways... we didnt have class today coz we attended the 9am mass.. frm year 1 to year 3 coz year 4 graduated alr teehee!! :D so aniways.. ND was sitting infront of me!!! :D [sorri random :P]so heard frm glashryl that he kept looking behind...:S hahaz.. so then time for the 'peace be with you' section of the mass.. :D dunnoe was its called :S so aniways.. i shook hands with my BESTIES of coz.. hahaz..and when i turned around, and ND put out his hand so i was real nervous.. but i shook his hand.. MY FIRST TIME if i may add.. :D hahaz.. aniways.. hahaz.. was alrite.. I LOVE NC'S TEE !!! so nice larh!! hahaz..
my cousin told me that her classmate frm sch likes ND.. so i didnt noe if i should be happy or wad.. i was just awkward... hmm..besides i dunnoe if he has feelings aniways....glashryl was suppose to ask but nvm...
so MTL exam is tmr.. i CANNOT wait for it to be OVER!! im real nervous!! STREAMMING YEAR!!! aww man!! :( aniways.. talked to danial ytd... hope hes' alrite :( aniways..
tution later.. gtg guys..
eunice .
SPIDER- eunice :D