Holy Saturday .
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Heyy all.
Its Holy saturday! (:
ANDDD!! TMR's Easter Sunday!!! like YEAHHHH!!
the wait is AGONISING!!! LOL .
ok, soo, today, woke up at 6.30.
got ready and left for sch at 7.30.
had Choir Practise today. it was a cool practise.
Cher was ok. but i thought that we didnt sound as good as we sounded at VCH.
He said that we're gona have like a HypnoTherapy thinggy on Thurs and SYF day.
By Mr NG. the BAND instructor! cant wait. LOL
heard from jo and Steph that hes' good . ok. ended choir early today coz Cher was tired.
I guess.. Hope he sleeps well.
Still thinking on if i shld go for tonight's Easter Virgil. hmmm.
ok i wont talk much. heres afew NLT Vids/ Songs i promised from YTD's post :D
this First song is cutee. LOL
Cant Believe It Freestyle REMIX - RAS (feat. Travis and Kevin of NLT)
this other Song is By Travis, coz the Harmonies doesnt Sound like NLT. :D but its nice .
NLT - Like Dat (final Full, No Shout, CDQ) - ´´°fineZtblackvibeZ.com°´´
ok.. THats all i got for now. (: Lemmie know whatya thinks (: starting Chapt 16!
Buhh-Byee .
Its all complecated .
you gota be me to know me .