Thursday, 31 January 2008
u noe...today has been ok..i guess... i bumped into farhan and daniel today in mac... dhen i bumped into lukman and daniel B.. dhen in sch the whole grp of malay guys where at the piano..haizz...
u noe..i nvr felt this way b4.. summhow im feeling both deppressed and MAYBE jealous... i dunnoe why im feeling this way but it juz feels reli bad... me and my frens haf been drifting apart everyday... i guess the onli one i can trust is GOD n myself.. sumtimes.. i cant trust ani1... so far.. i got agry many times... i had 2 probs..its now solved..n regretts r comming to me... this sux!!
im glad that D n his gf haf been doing gr8....like i said..im happy for him [ i think ] .. feelings juz come and go so fast....sumetimes i miss him and some times i dont... feelings like this is reli frustrating... steph has been reli different now.....we haf been talking less n such...sumtimes theres juz no1 i can turn to for advice... talking to ppl who dunnoe if their right or rong..its juz damn hard... i haf been venting my feelings these days too.. for some of u who dunnoe wad it means ...its like finding ways to get rid of ur anger.. [eg: scribling/typing etc]
on msn u may think in talking abt LK... but sumtimes i mean sum1 else too...yea i still haf feelings for LK...some how his love is reli bigg..like ur hugging a BIGG teddy bear... when he's arnd... i feel so warm inside..he takes away the cold n all my stress..i juz dun wana be ani where else but in his arms... BUT the problem is i also had this same feeling for D..b4... but not as much as LK's... but now...i juz dunnoe wad to think...its all juz so complicated....studies r important..but there are other things in my life that affect me..... n i wish it all could juz go away...