23rd MAY 08
Friday, 23 May 2008
its the 3rd day of our break up.. and i MISS HIM SOOO DAMNN MUCH!! OMG.. i cried juz now.. :'( i still love him soo much...but now, he is happy.. wif sum1 else... some1 he loves more than me... some 1 who will make him happy all the time...well i guess if he is happy dhen i shld be happy for him... rite?? well im confused about that... but i gotta thank jovial for sending me the song [ i wanted you] its a reli nice song n i cant stop listening to it!! but aniways... i guess im goin to turn emo these few or more days coz i miss him so much and i cant believe its over coz he likes this new gurl... i reli nvr knew it could end this way...
well, these tuesday im goin to collect my results.... im so scared... i hope i pass wif flying colours...
aniways... i reli miss him laods... truck loads, lorry loads, swimming pool loads, juz alot.. and i love him sooo sooo much,, infact its unconditionally...but its over... everything, the days we spent together, the good times and the bad....everything is gone... GONE... :'(
*and now i see him walk out that door...i noe he may never ever look back... he'll never come back, he left and he is gone .... i miss him soo much... but i noe that his love wil forevr be 4 her*