2nd JUNE!!
Monday, 2 June 2008
wow... its already JUNE??? HOW fast is that guys????!!!??? well... he came online today...
and i didnt talk to him... coz i thought that i would juz be a waste of his time now... i wouldnt want him to waste his time on me now...i was quite proud of myself today... i didnt use much of the computer.... SEE DADDY.. I CAN DO IT.. hahaz... in the afternoon, i taught my sister maths... kwl huh?? hahaz.. i made her memorise the multiplications by 2.. hahaz.. and she did it!! YAY EDNA!! hahaz..
well i didnt noe that i have holiday homework until mei shan called and told me abt it today!! hahaz.. well i took 1 look at the questions at asknlearn... and i was like OMGGGGG coz it was like sooo damn long!!!
well... last nite's confernece convo was OK i guess.. hahaz.. was wif murphy,lukman and my BESTIE GLASHRYL!!!! hahaz.. they rock!! this morning steph asked me to call her hahaz.. we talked crapp... like we normally do.. hahaz.. then i had DELICIOUS LUNCH made by the one , the only....... my MUMMY!! [ I HELPED TOO OK!!!] hahaz.. it was mmmm.... YUMMY!! thx MUM!!
oh well.. nth else to type i guess.. hahaz... i wannt taggs guys... DUN MUTE!! IF U VIEWW MY BLOGG, U GOTTA SEND ME TAGGS!! okk??? hahaz
hahaz... i noe guys.. RANDOM!!