3RD June 08
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
hello PPL!!
todays the 3rd... ok gotta tell u... yesterday, glashryl send me 3 comments...it all included NICK JONAS'S PIX... so like they predicted, i did went overly insane over it... started screaming and stuff... like OMGG.... harlo!!! NICK JONAS!!! lolx... aniways..
i sent her 2 comments including joe jonas's pix.. heeheez.... but hes hot so who cares?? hahaz..
oh and i sent ele 2 pix of kevin... although she doesnt like him.. wakaka...:D but it was fun.. :D
OMG!! i haf like the BEST BESTIES EVR LARH!!! they rock my socks man!!
AND I HAF THE GR8TEST HUSBAND EVR!! hahaz.....NICK JONAS!!.........ok im overreacting.. hahaz...like wad can i say??if u ask around... i am like dat..

Mr NiCk JoNAs hEre... SiNgs LeAd VoCals, PlayS GuitAr, DrUms ANd PIANO!!
HOW TALENTED IS HE??!?!?!!????omg....

love you ppl!!! :D