7th AUG 08
Thursday, 7 August 2008
ok guys.. GOT LOADS TO TELL!!
1st of all.... lets go back to yesterday...wed,6th AUG 08, at night.. dunnoe wad time.. :D
HE basically poped the question.. i shall use HE to reffer to HIM :D u dunnoe who HE is??
haahz.. for me to know and u to never find out.. lolx :P
so well.. i myself was shocked even though i kinda saw this comming... it did got me thinking.. but i reli like him.. he is reli sweet.. and i wont wanna lose him as a friend.. it would be a real waste... i didnt want it to end like me and hakim.. so i didnt take the risk...and so my ans to him was a ' dunoe-maybe ' a verri confusing feeling... so aniways.. we're ok now.. but i saw him today.. his right arm was bandaged... :( made me reli worried a d sad at that instant... i felt bad for not saying yes... i mean.. besides him getting physically hurt, now his heart hurts?? :( i was quite sadd.. but stephanie a d jovial made me smile again.. AS USUAL!! lolx.. but then i asked him wad happened... he said that he fell down while running on the road... reli hurt my heart bad..
but then had a nice convo later on.. :) made my day!! OF COZ!! lolx..and physics, my teacher didnt come..AND!! i have been waiting for my physics common test to come back!!!! :( oh well.. been stuck with more physics hw... i haf a feeling i cant cope with physics for long..
oh gosh my eyes hurt now... ahh!! well... im smsing HIM now... im checking to see how he is... dun want him to get hurt... he is one of my BEST friends...even though i onli started talking.. but we're pretty close now...(:
DEAR GOD, if u're reading my blogg now, plz take good care of HIM... i know u know who im talking about... (: dont let anithing happen to him, help him to have a full speedy recovery...
and too my friends who are depressed or down, please listen to them and help them in wadever problems they're dealing with...AMEN!
well.. now i know god is reading my blog!! :D
prayers in my blogg.. so awsome!! :D
so aniways.. i wont make this too long..
takkairs every1.. BYE!! :D