9th AUG 08!!
Saturday, 9 August 2008
but for me?? i wouldnt say its TOTALLY HAPPY....
well... lets see..
this morning aft church, i fell down the stairs.. i injured my right shinn..been in pain since this morning...then was worried bout some stuff.. ok maybe alot of things.. another thing, my phone is DRIVING ME INSANE!!!! [this is the bad type of insane]
so now im stuck wif my dad's old phone.. sigh~~ well.. i gotta be happy with what i have rite??
i haf to consider myself verri lucky dat my dad has an extra phone...so thx daddy!!
gotta say, worrying about lots of thingss.. and i have to say, im not in a comfortable time to talk about anithing.. alot of thingss are starting to irritate me.. i do not.. REPEAT .... DO NOT!!! like to be irritated... sigh~~ im afraid bout lots of thinggs i guess.. sigh~~ :(
well thats all i got today...
sorrie if its borring. juz that nth interesting happened.. and im totally not in the mood rite now... :(
cya every1.