29th Sept 08'
Monday, 29 September 2008
heyy!! todays' MTL exam sucked!! Paper 1 was alrite.. i suppose. but PAPER 2 was HELL!!! i think im GONNA fail like CRAP!! unless a miracle happens.. :( aniways.. today went to AMK hub with Stephanie, Jovial and SITI!! :D had sushi for lunch and 100plus :DYUMM (: tmr Jovial isnt comming to sch.. :( man!! aniways.. she claims to have 'Diarrhoea' ... hahaz.. aniways.. aft sch, have extra lessons with Ms phua.. HISTORY... hm then aft that meeting up with Daniel ben and gang to study.... :D well. didnt see much of Sk8Ter boY today... :( miss him though.. havent talk to him in like ages!!well.. i talked to GRANDMA FT!! teeehee.. i bet most of u guys dunnoe who she is though.. :D aniways.. my PRI sch mates will noe...aft that, chatted with wootha on the phone and then with glashryl and asraf on msn... :D today was an OK day.. wouldnt say it was THAT AMAZING... TV programe: Disney channel - HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2..
TOTALLY CANT WAIT for high school musical 3!!! and of coz TWILIGHT!! *SCREAMS* :D
aniways.. guys.. TMR is a normal sch day unless ur a malay student coz WED is HARI RAYA!! :D
so MALAY students have half day tmr.. SOO GD LARH!!
well.. EL exam is on FRI.. real nervous!! Gotta do EXTREAMLY well!!!
eunice .
SPIDER- eunice :D