1st feb!!
Friday, 1 February 2008
wow!! its the 1st FEB!!! ZAKIRS BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAKIR!!! its also ' THE ROMANTIC ' month!! hahaz..valentines day is round the corner.. so hope u uys haf sum1 special to spend it wif... i noe i dun...well i was hoping to celebrate it wif D if we were still together that is.. but i had to go ruine it.. haizz... me n my BIGG mouth... aniways.. i also wanted to celebrate it wif LK but sadly broke up early juz b4 1 month... haizz...
camp is on valentines day u noe?? kwl rite?? so campfire nite shld be quite romantic..hahaz... aniways... today was ok larhs... now angela thinks stephanie n i suck... i didnt noe wad i did rong..dhen she said i suck... haizz... frens r so crappy now adays.. [no offence guys]
ok i haf rehersal for CNY celebration today... it was verri siannded... walk up n down the stage... haizz.. but we stayed abit longer to watch the other performances ..like indian dance n chinese dance n the FINAL 4 contestants in xiao yuan superstar..... the 1st gal that sang...sang DAMN WELL LORHS... i'll giv her 10!!! her voice is like reli nice lorhs... verri good sia!!
hahaz aniways...jovial didnt come to school today... i think she's having a flu...so aniways.. GET WELL SOON JOVIAL!!!!
muz go send her sms l8r..hahaz...
hahaz i love my TEDDY BEAR POST!! asraf go laugh at it coz LK was in the story hahaz... FYI teddy bear post is the 1 b4 this... hahaz...