Dinesh, fight yet again...
Friday, 15 February 2008
haizz...yupp u guessed it.... dinesh n i fought again... this time im not sure how or why....but i've got to say..n this may or may not supprise u...but i guess i do miss him.... but, i dun see how we'r ever goin to go back this time.... i guess i juz have to face the fact that i was the 1 making his life worse...well he said that to me so i guess its true.....haizz... aniways...i reli hope we can stop fighting... coz we have been getting into fights every now n then...we'r juz on bad terms...
aniways...i juz came back frm camp today...camp was reli funn!!! i did abseiling for the 1st time... heeheez... the best was zip-line!!! i reli enjoyed that...the CRC was kinda difficult n SCARY!! well theres a 1st time for everything!! but we didnt do water rafting... the worse part was the gals frm 211 - 222 had to clean the toilet at night!!! WTH ?!?!! 11.30 was lights out... but we had to clean the toilets...it was kinda unfair that the express students were allowed to slp...well...i still had a gd rest last nite..
I felt wierd that i didnt talk to LK or DN.....gotta say...camp wasnt all that fun..coz there was like 30 - 40% of me that was feelin depressed n slightly sad...
aniways...i'll try to post often..
now..damn tired...muz slp...(: