4th FEB!
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
heyy!!! NEW YRS EVE!!!! today goin to grandma hse to eat steamboat n play banluck!! till dunnoe wad time..but i hope we'r goin to stay as late as we can because chinese tradition say that if we stay up longer on the EVE.. our parents r goin to live longer..n i want my parents to live as long as they can!! hahaz
today ins ch we celebrated chinese new yr!! it was kwl...but i thought the my choir's performance wasnt so good... no1 could hear us!!!! we didnt sing our best...i know we could haf done better!!!!
aniways..i went out wif jovial,krishna n met LK, zafran and daniel B...we all went out...until jovial had to meet her frens so dhen i hung out wif krishna,LK n zafran coz daniel had to go osso
so then we chatted abt stuff this yr n such...i was so happy...WE SHARED A DRINK!! JUZ LIKE WE USED TO... omg...he was still as funny as i rmb him to be...we talked like we used to... it was almost like a dream come true...but...i noe that he didnt mean to give me the impression of liking me... so yea i think he's like treating me as a SISTER..so yea.. i'll accept that....
although i still miss him....ALOT!!!