2nd Feb!!
Saturday, 2 February 2008
i kennot believe that i juz did that... hahaz...its kinda lame...i said ' i Love you ' to my former crush hahaz... lame rite??? but he said: wad evr it is i would love to spend valentines dat wif you..
that was like so damn sweet lorhs....im like OMG... serious?? hahaz..today D left for M'sia comming back tmr... GONNA MISS YOU!!! [ok that was stupid of me] hahaz..
im like feeling so bad now lorhs..i dunnoe why but its a reli pain feeling..sort of sad but abit of heartache yet a pinch of jealousy n maybe 1/3 of regrets n a slight feeling of MISS... haizz... this suck... i juz want it to go away... im not that happy i no mood for piano i dun feel like doing anithing... now i feel quite sick too.. veri cold n weak....
nth to do now...if anithing happened then i'll post again.. [sniff sniff] sorri runny nose...
so yea thats ab...abo....abou [haaaa CHEW!!...uhh...sniff sniff] about it..
LOVES!! [sniff sniff]