15th Aug 08
Friday, 15 August 2008
you wanna noe how my day went?
well its SUCKED!! totally SUCKED!@!!!
im reali not in the mood to blogg now.. but i will to vent my anger..
we planned this day b4 the week even began.. and now wad?!?! huh?!?! he chooses his frens.. he stood me up.. THANKS ALOT! well i gotta thank murphy the most.. he is the best..i told murphy i couldnt find HIM and he said he wouldnt mind hanging out wif me till we find HIM..
on the way there, saw HIM and his fren.. they were on their way for prayers.. i told him he didnt reply my msgs.. he said his phone was in his bag and was on silent.. and he appologised.. so ok.. i forgave him... then murphy and i went to the lib but he was hungry.. so we went to mac.. bumped into HIM and his fren.. he said he is not going for prayers and will meet me at the lib.. so murphy bought himself lunch.. and treated me ice lemon tea...[thx murphy]
so when we were done, we saw HIM and afew of his frens.. they were under the shelter near mac play ground... we were walking towards him then told him we were goin to the lib.. he just waved at us.. so we thought that he'll meet us there in a while.. when murphy and i were at the lib, we saw yi ming.. he hung out wif us till about 2.40? then i msged HIM.. guess wad.. he didnt reply.. nor answered my call..
murphy msged him.. he didnt reply so he called him about 15 mins later.. and asked if he was still comming.. HE told murphy that he was on the way.. and is comming alr.. so ok.. we waited.. and waited.. even went out to check if he came...it was about 3 alr.. then murphy asked if i wanted to go home.. i told him to wait for another half hr.. he said ok.. then we kind of waited and waited summore.. but no reply, no call...but eleanor did msg me telling me that she saw hakim wif afew frens at north point..
ok so aniways.. back to the story.. it was about 3.15 and HE is still not at the lib....i started to emo.. murphy comforted me.. he went out to take a last look.. came back and told me he couldnt see HIM.. so it was 3.30 and i told him.. i guess HE isnt comming.. so lets just go...so he said ok.. and we went out... murphy had to go str8 to go back home by bus, but he said.. he didnt mind walking home.. he accompanied me over the overhead bridge then to the bus stop just beside the play ground.. he told me he'll call me if he finds out anithing.. so i said ok.. then my bus came.. murphy went to talk to HIS friends to ask where HE was..
then 5 mins passed and murphy called me.. he said that HIS bag was still there but HIS friends didnt noe where HE went.. so i told murphy its ok.. since im alr going home.. he said ok.. so i kinda ended here.. and i was emo ever since..
but really, murphy, thanks sooo much...you're like a reli gr8 friend..thanks for all you've done..
i reli hope u last long wif seri.. (:
and glashryl, thanks for talking to me today to comfort me and stuff..
and eleanor.. thanks for telling me you saw hakim.. [verri awkward but its ok]
so aniways.. i dun think im in the mood to talk either.. if i go MIA, im sorri....
and even up till now... no msgs nor calls frm HIM... i bet HE forgot...i bet HE doesnt even care...
HE definately doesnt noe how much HE has hurt me right now....
here and out,