21st FEB 08
Thursday, 21 February 2008
hahaz.. im glad that nesshy-boii n i r back to being frens again...but we still didnt talk today..coz it kinda felt awkward for me.... i haf no idea why... aniways..i guess its normal for me.. since we didnt talk to each other for quite some time...
n i juz found out i haf 3 crushes in total...so far... 2 new n 1 old... (: hahaz... one starts wif E, one starts wif M, n the other 1 starts wif N... hahaz... they r all verri nice, smart n funny..:P
aniways... let u guys noe how this thingg turns out... kk??trying to get NC's number!!! hahaz...