HIM!!! ILY!!! - 5th april!!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
heyss guys!! im like damn happy today!!! oh which btw, today is stephanie n shao xun's 1month aniversary!!! so HAPPY ANIVERSARY GUYS!!! hope u guys last another whole month.. infact!! i hope u last reli long!!!
so april babys?? yea..
heres the list if i left out ur name, muz tell me hors??
. murphy
. wei jie
. shao xun
. glenden
. stephanie
. krishna
. rizduan
ok here are those i noe..lolz ... wow... exams are comming up... gotta study hard man!!sadly i havent touch ani of my books to study... n btw, e-learning SUX.!!! got me so damn frustrated..
haizz... aniways... fell in love today... HIM... he is so sweet n easy to talk to ... reli funny.. even though we juz met... he is reli cute... some of u may noe.. but heyss. i dun tell ppl.. so u guys who i told shldnt tell ani1 too... i trust u guys k??
well gotta tell him i love him coz i do... n to LK... are u ok coz u got me worried too... wad happen?? muz tell me ok?? im ur sister...n to the sweetest guy... ILY~IMY!! MUACKZ!
aku cinta kamu,wo ai ni, I love you!!
hope u love me too!! :D
aniways... glashryl.. u better not be emo ok?? hahaz...if not i'll be emo too...
miss ya gurl!!
i'll post soon!!